Thinking of relocating to Mexico full or part-time? Wondering where you can find info on how to find a doctor – need information on hospitals – medical insurance? Monica Rix Paxson’s book: The English Speaker’s Guide to Medical Care in Mexico is chock full of helpful hints of where and how to go … [Read more...]
México’s Glittering Monarchs: A Driving Adventure by William J. Conaway

Don’t underestimate it, the North American Monarch butterfly is tough and powerful. It’s capable of herculean flights of 80 miles a day or more. The Monarch, mariposa monarca (Danaus plexippus) has been on the scene in North America longer than mankind. One sees them now just as they have been for … [Read more...]
‘Why Movies Will Never Replace Books’ by John Scherber, San Miguel de Allende

99% of my time is spent working on CanGoMexico. I am constantly editing, copywriting, writing and writing more. What do I do when I’m not writing – read! I have always been fanatical about books and now I have added blogs to my list. A few years ago I wondered what a blog even was. I … [Read more...]
A Few Good Drama Queens (and Kings) By Mark Saunders, San Miguel de Allende

Mark Saunders, author and playwright, recently sent me info regarding his intriguing workshop, ‘How to Write the 10-Minute Play’, part of the Encuentro de Teatro San Miguel event held August 26-September 2/12. I have heard from a few people that the event was an overwhelming success. I was not … [Read more...]
An Expatriate’s Tale by John Scherber, An American Voice in Mexico

Expatriate or Ex-patriot? The word expatriate has more than one connotation. As a Noun an expatriate is a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country. As a Verb expatriate means to move away from one’s native country and adopt a new residence abroad. And if try being an expatriate and … [Read more...]
The English Speaker’s Guide to Medical Care in Mexico by Monica Rix Paxson

Considering retiring or moving to Mexico full or part-time and have questions about medical services? Look no further! The English Speaker's Guide to Medical Care in Mexico, by author Monica Rix Paxson, simply and clearly outlines a wide variety of medically-related topics and easily accessible … [Read more...]
Alejandro Helps the Turtles by Michael Osias

It was a special night. "Alejandro, it is time. The turtles will be gone. We must go now!" I had never seen the turtles, yet my weariness was threatening my excitement. It was very late. Maybe this was not to be a special night. "Grandfather how do you know they will be there. Even the poachers … [Read more...]
San Miguel de Allende: A Place In the Heart by John Scherber

I was just reading John Scherber’s book San Miguel de Allende: A Place in the Heart and would like to share an excerpt. I highly recommend the book. It’s insightful, interesting and brings issues to the forefront that are important to us all. John’s interviews with San Miguel ex-pats answers a lot … [Read more...]
How to Write the 10-Minute Play by Mark Saunders – San Miguel de Allende

How to Write the 10-Minute Play A Workshop for Writers & Actors by Mark Saunders Encuentro de Teatro San Miguel August 26 to September 2, 2012 * * * I have exciting news! San Miguel is hosting a one-week celebration of the performing arts during Encuentro de Teatro San Miguel. The … [Read more...]
Driving in Mexico 2––Don’t Drive While Married – John Scherber: An American Voice in Mexico

Driving in Mexico 2 is a welcome sequel to last week's witty, humorous story about driving in Mexico. You haven't driven until you've driven in Mexico! In my previous post (DRIVING IN MEXICO––NO COUNTRY FOR NEW CARS) I established that contrary to the superficial impression of many, Méxican … [Read more...]